
So, here is the thing. Real life is not like a movie. So, a typical comedy where someone goes on holiday and gets stopped by the slightly incompetent, bumbling police officer who follows them for the rest of the film trying to prove that they are breaking the law? Yeah, this doesn’t happen in real life.

In reality, the police are capable, competent, and will just throw you into prison if you are a danger to public health and safety. Alternatively, they will slap you for a big fine. With that being said, let’s look at how you can avoid getting fined.


In lots of countries, you can park on the road. In Greece, there are lots of situations where that’s not allowed, and parking on the road will just get you a fine. Therefore, you need to be a little bit sensible about these things and park at designated parking spaces.

In most cases, it’s not worth trying to park on the road, so even if it looks like the easier option, don’t bother. Police really won’t accept “it’s busy” as an excuse. It’s a nice thought, but they just won’t.


So, police roadblocks are pretty common, because there is a hefty influx of tourists during the summer months. Unfortunately, if there’s one thing tourists are really good at, it’s not following traffic rules.

These kinds of roadblocks are very normal, and police will use them to check for your paperwork, seatbelts, and make sure you haven’t been drinking and driving. You’ll be okay, so long as you have your paperwork, wear seatbelts, and don’t do something stupid like drink and drive.

Respect Traffic Laws

Imagine actually following the traffic laws of the government when you visit their country for a holiday. Crazy, right?

Ultimately, the traffic laws in Greece have been created to protect you and everybody else from injury or death. Therefore, it makes rational sense to follow these rules to the best of your ability, and to read them before you enter the country and start driving. Look, you’ve got time on the flight, just read the rules.

Obviously, if you have any questions, please go ahead and ask, we will be happy to help you out, but please, for the love of all things holy or otherwise, follow the traffic laws.

Final Thoughts

So, ultimately, if you don’t wanna get fined by the police, you’ve just got to be a little bit sensible. There are plenty of ways that you can drive in Greece and have a fun, enjoyable, stress-free time.

The law-enforcement in Greece has very little tolerance for tourists. Ultimately, we get a lot of people coming to Greece on a regular basis, and they are expected to behave themselves and follow the rules while they are in the country. If you don’t do this, then you will be fine. We’d really rather that didn’t happen to you, so take our advice and follow all of the traffic laws, don’t park on the roads, and drive safely.